Woodman Drive Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Project
The City of Riverside has received a Safe Streets for All (SS4A) grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation. The funds will be used to complete a roadway study and preliminary design along Woodman Drive from Springfield Street to U.S. 35.

There are no detours at this time, however, periodically, there could be workers along or in the roadway as part of the study. Please be alert and drive carefully.

There is no active construction at this time. The study began in early 2024 and should end with final recommendations in the spring of 2025.

The study is funded with $700,000 from a Federal SS4A Grant and $175,000 of local match from the City of Riverside.
COMMUNITY BENEFIT: The Woodman Drive corridor serves as a major thoroughfare connecting multiple schools, residences, employers, retail establishments, and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) to Riverside and the surrounding region. There are multiple safety issues along this corridor, including inadequate crosswalks and sidewalks, traffic safety issues resulting in motorized vehicle crashes, and vehicles impacting the perimeter fence at WPAFB.
SS4A funding will enable the City of Riverside to develop a plan to address these multiple safety challenges while enhancing bicycle/pedestrian and multimodal/transit access throughout the corridor. The plan will then be used to pursue additional funding to implement the recommendations of the study.
DETAILED SCOPE: This comprehensive infrastructure study and preliminary design will promote safety and equity throughout the corridor. The study will address the lack of connected pedestrian and bicycle facilities within the corridor and consider safety improvements needed to reduce crashes along the corridor.
Public input is an important aspect of the study. There will be opportunities throughout the study for the public to view study displays and analysis and to give their comments and feedback. Anyone interested in learning more and giving feedback was welcome to attend the Open House on June 4, 2024.
A virtual version of the Open House was available here starting June 4 – July 5, 2024. The same displays and opportunity for comments from the Open House are available online here. While the comment period has closed, the displays are still available to view.
Questions and comments may be submitted at the in-person public meeting or the virtual open house or by email, phone or mail to the City of Riverside, citymanager@riversideoh.gov, 937-233-1801, or at 5200 Springfield Street, Suite 100, Riverside, OH 45431. Comments carry equal weight regardless of how they are submitted. All questions and comments must be received by July 5, 2024, and will be compiled and posted on the public input website.