COMPLETED: Jackson Road and Douglas Way Improvements

The Jackson Road and Douglas Way Improvements Project established a new roadway connection to the north of Jackson Road. In addition, a section of Jackson Road was widened near the Procter & Gamble Dayton Mixing Center and Dayton International Airport.


There are no traffic impacts.


Construction began in the Spring of 2023 on the extension of Douglas Way, north to Old Springfield Road and was completed in Fall of 2023.


$8.2 million

COMMUNITY BENEFIT: The new roadway improved access to new and existing businesses in the area and supports better traffic flow for both commercial and residential traffic. Improvements provide stronger infrastructure as job creation and other economic opportunities occur throughout the area. 

DETAILED SCOPE: The first phase of the project started at Jackson Road and extended north toward Old Springfield Road. Street lighting, sanitary sewer and water, as well as drainage improvements accompanied the new roadway.

In addition, a 2,100-foot section of Jackson Road was widened southwest of the Procter & Gamble Dayton Mixing Center. Specifically, it included:

  • Widened the existing roadway from two to three lanes in the project area.
  • Constructed and installed curbs and gutters along the new section of roadway.
  • Added street lighting.
  • Installed new sanitary sewer lines and water mains.

The extension of Douglas Way to Old Springfield Road was constructed in 2023.
